Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Life Being Lived

Boy has it been awhile. Today I spent the day helping a friend learn to knit. It was a challenge, because I wanted to do the work for her. She is new the Ravelry, Evansmom. I use to babysit her and her brother. She now has a 4 year old son and lives in Santa Rosa. We met in Fairfield and ended up in Vacaville. I thought her the 4 basic needs of knitting: casting on, knitting, purling and binding off. She left to go home with a "little eye washcloth." Also, she went and purchased straight knitting needles which I suggested at the first purchase. Sometimes one just needs to learn from experience. On my way home, I stopped at Spin a Yarn in Vacaville. It is a cute little shop. I did not buy anything. I would have purchased some sock yarn, but the color was not what I wanted.
I have been knitting , sewing clothes, and quilting Christmas gifts. Hopefully I will finish by the first week of Dec. (HA!) Hal and I also went to Reno on the train. It was a delightful experience going up. We were told to sit on the lower level. Going back we assumed that was where we were to sit. Then, we found out that we might have to move. I guess we needed to pay extra to sit downstairs. We were able to sit downstairs and found that to be just a comfortable returning home. The only complaint was the bathrooms were not as clean as they were going. While in Reno, I spent time knitting, sleeping and of course playing games. No I did not win. And no, I did not venture out in a taxi or bus. I did shop though and added to my nativity scenes.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

New Rooms

We have exciting news at our house, Hal has finished with his crown molding of the bedrooms. The first room took 5 months from beginning (finding the tools, searching the how-to's), the last room took 1 week. He did an outstanding job. I'm so proud of him. My sewing room is like new. All the rooms were painted. He is now putting his computer room in order. We changed the furniture around. It gives it a different feel. Now to get my fall quilt up to help decorate the house.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Others Things Than KNITTING?

I haven't finished any knitting lately. I have started my daughter-in-law's shell and still need to complete the shrug. I am currently working on a pair of men socks. I hope to complete them before the end of this week so that I can finish the shrug. What have I been doing otherwise? I have been completing a daily Bible study and moving furniture and items from sewing room, computer room and babysitting. I have completed the sewing room and now all that is left is the computer room to paint and put up the crown molding. Hal does all that, I just am his beautiful assistant helping measure, hold the crown molding so that he can use the nail gun, and lift furniture. It has been a real challenge for him, but wow, what a nice job he is doing.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Missing Friends

It's been awhile since I last blogged. In that time I have not finished much. I have been busy with work, home, grandchildren, and hobbies. I don't know if I put them in the order of time consumption. I meet once a month in Auburn with the Foothill Quilter's. I get excited to be there. Expectally when I have a complete quilt to show. Then, I started Bible study again. I stopped after my mom left. I tried after she died, but found it difficult. This year I'm back and of course with a bang to begin with. My hopes are that it continues to be with a bang rather then a drudge. Then there is my biggest committment, Meetup, on Wednesday evenings. I have made some fantastic friends here. I missed going last week because of busyness. I plan to make it there this week.
Today I get to play grandma again. Yesterday, I sat with my 31/2 yr. old, grandson, and we put a puzzle together. He is very good at puzzles. It had 62 pieces and it was a dinosaur puzzle, 14x18''. Not bad for a grandma and her grandson. Today, rather in a few minutes I will take care of his brother, 6 mon. He is rolling and as cute as can be. Later, I get to sit for the two sitters. Their mother has an errand to run and then she will cut and pamper my hair color, so I continue to look somewhat younger.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Being Grandma

Six years ago, my husband, mother and I moved to our new home. My husband and I had one married child who seemed intent to remain childless. My oldest son just couldn't seem to make up his mind about seriously dating and my daughter was still in college. All was as normal as it could be. Then upon telling everyone that we decided to move and live with my mother, my oldest found the love of his life, and my daughter was still attending college. Well, that seemed okay. Two years into living semi-retired, both son and daughter tell us that they are getting married. My daughter, to a young man that had a 2 yr. old. Hurray for me, I am finally a grandparent. My first grandchild was to be a girl. Then the son who was married and content being childless informs us we are to be grandparents again. Oh boy! this time a grandson. Our oldest informed us of our third grandchild, a girl. Yes! number 3. Then another was soon born later to them, but unfortunately she did not live. Sorrow...number 4. This year numbers 5 a boy, and 6, a girl were born. Now I have my grandchildren. It is no longer normal. We get calls to sit, to visit, to help out. It is wonderful, happy times, and exhausting too. We love almost every minute.
This passed week was spent with grand kids. First our daughter, called to help enroll her stepdaughter into school. They needed to work and she would be alone. Sure, I put my super grandparent cape into the bag and went for a visit. I got to sleep on the couch, have 2 dogs jump on me and a little girl, now 7 yrs. jump into my arms when she was frighten of the oceans waves as they first approached her. Then she pulled me into the waves the second time. We both laughed and giggled the whole time.
On returning home, I was able to visit my grand daughters here in this area. The newest is getting to look like a baby. Her legs and arms have filled out and she is holding her head upright, looking around to see new things.
Later in the week, my husband and I were able to be with our grandsons as they went to the zoo and a science museum. Sharing special animals, seeing and touching new things. No one can take these memories from us. It is such a blessing to have our grand kids in our lives.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


It has come to my attention that I am in the middle of something I should not be. I guess I have learned a difficult lesson about stepping out and taking chances on the internet. Some hurtful things were said about a good friend that I positivity responded to since I did not know who the person was that wrote the blog. Since learning this I feel just awful. Yes I know the person I commented on is similar in nature to the blogger describtion, but the person she did comment on, is in no way on earth like this. Venting is okay, but trickier is not. Please rememeber that it is difficult to love someone whom one would rather hate.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


I was given the opportunity to help with my grandchildren and I took the invitation. My daughter-in-law, Heather, needed some help while the sister had a baby. It was for only two days but they were filled with excitement, never a dull moment. In the morning, her oldest 3 1/2 yr. old Andrew, would come to the room where I was sleeping and tell me that the sun was up and it was time to get up. Then he would politely ask me if I would play with him? I usually get up, dress, have my tea and then think about my day before I do anything as serious as play, but play I did. If I heard the baby, 4 month old William, I would go retrieve him from where he was awake so Heather could get a few more winks in. As the day went by, I would become William's drool cloth. He is a drooler and no teeth in sight. It was such a good experience. As it turn out Heather's sister had her little girl Cesarean, her mother-in-law was able to stay longer and we went home Friday.

Monday, August 11, 2008


We finally made our trip north to see my sister and her husband. Our plan was to leave here Aug. 1 and get there on the 2nd. We stopped at Bend, Or., and one quilt shop there, BJ's and another in Moro, Or. The one in Moro was to be a pit stop, but it turned out that I purchased some fabric there too. While riding, I was making a sweater. It started out, I thought, to fit me, but alas my measurments weren't quite accurate and it became my sister's early Christmas present. A few weeks earlier, I was knitting at my quilt guild a follow knitter/quilter suggested that I use a new color when she learned that I did not have enough yarn. That's when I found the wine color of Rowan's silk/cotton. I would like to make another sweather, this time one that fits me, but not now. While up in Valley, Wa., I reknitted the sleeves and blocked the sweater. I was also fortunate enough to find some buttons at the WalMart. My sister says that it is exactly prefect. ( This is me smiling.)
On our way home we stopped again in Bend. My plan was to see the two knitting stores there, but they did not open until 11am and 12 noon, so we stopped at two quilting stores. We took off after 11am and headed south. Just about 30 minutes south, Gilchrist, I saw a sign off the freeway, "yarn shop." I was driving, so we stopped and found a small shop with many of the yarns one can find at Joann's or Beverly's. I owner was very nice and what she had to sell was nice, but I did not buy anything. I even left without a kitten. Her stray mommy cat had 5 little kittens there in the store and were 1 week shy of going home with anyone. Before we even arrived at Bend though, our trip became an adventure. A few hours laters we left Washington, passed Moro, and we drove right into a thunderstorm. Thank God I was not driving. The hail was the size of quarters or bigger, flashes of lightning and thunder seen and heard nearly at the same time; and then there was the rain. Hal decided to follow the car in front of us through a wash. The water was up to his bumper as it was for us. The storm lasted longer than we wanted it, about 20 min. We continued to drive, but some cars pulled over while others drove on. There were even motorcyclists stopped and huddled together. I know if we waited the storm would have lasted longer than the 20 min. We did have some window damage, but not major. The trip from Bend home was unevenfull. We made it home just as the sunset.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Many Pics

I am adding a few new pictures to the sight. I want to show all what I've been up to the last few months. The shawl shown here was made this weekend using the Easy Triangle Shawl pattern from Lion Brand. I purchased the yarns from separate locations. The first, organic lamb's wool in rose color, was from the Lamb Festival in Dixion and the second, the brown's from Jimmy Beans Wool in Reno. The socks were made for my grandson. I enjoyed making these. I have made and completed several quilts too. The one in purple was donated to the Sutter Breast Cancer Auction.

Sunday, July 27, 2008


My husband and I went to Reno on the spur of the moment. We drove of course on a Friday night and found little traffic. We did a little gambling and went to the room for some away time. I began a shawl, Easy Triangle off of Ravelry, while he slept in the morning. I finished one hank of yarn and realized I was going to need more yarn. Of course being a senseable woman I went to the nearest yarn shop, JimmyBeansWool, and chose a yarn called Venus by Trendsetter, (I had choosen from my stash to use but this looked to be a better chose). On the way home, Hal drove and I knitted. The Venus yarn was a good chose. Now I wish I didn't have to use the other yarn. When completed I will add the picture to the sight. I also purchased some Jasper yarn from Berroco to make a vest.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


This picture was taken today of my 2 1/2 month old grandson William and me. I took the picture. He is trying to figure out what is happening. I'm hoping that the picture takes. He is already sitting up or at least trying to sit up and googling, girgling, and cooing. One thing I also notice is that he is spitting more than his brother did.

Saturday, June 28, 2008


The quilting retreat weekend was hot! No air conditioning and no windows (may have been a blessing). We did have fans. Sixteen plus women and sewing machines, electric lights, fans, irons all adding to the 100 plus degree heat. (On Friday it was 110in the room.) That Friday night or should I say Saturday AM, I was awakened by a loud honking noise from outside. Thinking someone was breaking into my car, I found there was a car fire just a few feet away from the corner. Being a good citizen, I called 911 and then was asked if it was at, here I realized I didn't know where I was, thank God the one who answer the phone did. Anyway that fire was to be the first of many that weekend. On Saturday I took a break and went shopping with the owner or the fabric shop, Nicole. I bought some sundresses and a bra. Mind was wet. We went back to quilting and then out to dinner. Ah, air conditioning. We made it home that night about 10PM. Slept very well. Went back to the sweat house to finish the quilt top. We were then told that part of Nicole's home caught fire the night before, no one hurt, but scared that her son was inside the building was awful. Also, the reports of fires in the area began to trickle in. On Mon. AM, I got up to smoke filled air and ask falling. My girlfriend Lynn, took me to her hairdresser in Santa Rosa and there I had my hair cut short. It was a hot weekend.
Thursday, June 26, at 7:45 PM another grandchild came into our lives: Jazlyn Marie Hurtt, 6lbs.11oz., 19.5". She has a loud cry, beautiful brown hair, big feet, and petite hands.Mom and baby are doing well. She was induced at 5:45PM and delivered at 7:45PM, quick delivery!

Sunday, June 22, 2008


This weekend I spent quilting with my friends from the other side of California, (Windsor and Petaluma). We went to a quilt retreat together and I am currently on one of my friends computer writing this so there are no pictures of the quilt as of yet. Just want to say hi, and I will include pictures ASAP. Also, I believe I will be a new grandma by the end of this week.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Ruffled shrug

Originally uploaded by picking2gogranny

This is the shrug I made for my daughter at Christmas. It was a sweet challenge. She has received many compliments.

The little guy next to her was born April 14 to my son and daughter-in-law. His name is William and he is the brother of the young man posing in the picture with the Christmas sweater.

Sunday, June 8, 2008


Here it is Sunday, June 8 and it is a beautiful day. I am trying to have a good day. I more than anyone know how words affect someone. I am have been accused of saying the wrong thing when I shouldn't and I regret saying those words for a long time. I beat myself up more than anyone I offended. When others say things whether to be honest or just to be hurtful it comes back to haunt one. That is what happened yesterday. Words were said and feelings hurt. Here again maybe I shouldn't be writing this for all to read, but it a great way to vent. Thanks for listening.

Saturday, May 31, 2008


I am complying with a friends request to update my blog. I am a bit lazy when it comes to the computer. My dear husband is usually on the computer playing poker when I am inspired to write, so instead I either sit and knit while watching TV or I will go to bed and do a sudoku puzzle. Then there is the other thing, not posting pictures of my newest grandchild. I haven't seen him in 3 weeks. Today we are going over to pick up his brother for a sleepover. It should be fun. I have a few fun activities I want to do with Andrew. He's the cute one in the Christmas sweater. Going to the zoo will be the first activity and then to Michael's for some paint. Hopefully he will want to paint a box I have for his mom and he can give it to her for fun. Back to posting pictures of the newest. I am having trouble and hope to correct that function of intelligence ASAP.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Relaxing Time

I've been home for a few hours now. I did pick up my knitting to work on it, but put it down to watch Charmed. I try to find shows I haven't seen so I can fill in the blanks. I'm currently working on a pair of socks that started out to be falling leaves off Knitty.com. The yarn I was using just didn't make that leaf statement, so I frogged it and made plain sock pattern up to the leg and I used a 5 pattern repeat from Sensional socks books2. They are turning out great.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Christmas Sweater 2007

Christmas Sweater 2007
Originally uploaded by picking2gogranny
Isn't he too cute. I made this for Andrew's Christmas gift.

Christmas 2007 socks

Christmas 2007 socks
Originally uploaded by picking2gogranny
This is the yarn Courtney gave me for Christmas.

Monday, March 24, 2008

New Photo

Here I am with balloons from my birthday party last Oct. My daughter helped me with that pictures. Now I just need to get the other photos uploaded.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


What a day ahead! It's a trip to the Bay Area to see my daughter and her husband. She's my baby and will be 28 this Wednesday. I made her a shurg out of the prettiest yarn called Zara by Filatura Di Crosa. Yes I made a few mistakes, but it is still beautiful. Hopefully, one of these days I'll get it attached so that you can view it. I was trying to complete the shurg by Christmas 2007, so I made it in March for her birthday.
As I said, I'm planning to trip on down to the Bay Area and it's 11am and I am sitting here and not preparing to get ready. Oh well, we'll leave a little later.
I also just finished my grandson's baby jacket made with Opal yarn. He is due in April. I want to make a hat and booties, but we'll see about time. I have pictures for the jacket, and hopefully that will get here on the same day as the other projects started and finished.

Monday, February 25, 2008

February 25, 2008

Well, here it is, almost 5pm and still I have not got dinner on. I would rather be here sitting at the computer writing and telling everyone what a great time I had on Friday with Janice and the hundreds of yarno's at Stitches. I don't know what I was thinking it would be like. The yarn was soo beautiful I wanted to take it all home with me, but sanity won over. I wanted a home to keep it in. Purchasing too much would have meant yarn without a home. I was told by a wise one to have a plan in mind. I made it. It was to buy sock yarn. I couldn't get into to much trouble right? I bought some Brooks Farm finger weight and a pattern called Knitting Fairy. It is a swinging summer shell for girls. I want to make this for my granddaughter's birthday in September. She shouldn't out grow the pattern for a few more years, so I do have some time to make it. For my new grandson to be born in April, I bought a top down cardigan pattern and cotton Tweed DK from Cabin Fever. I also had to have the buttons to match. I couldn't resist the Socks that Rock yarn and yarn from Pigeonroof Studios for socks. I was also able to pick up some plain yarn, 1 pink variegated and 1 green,brown, and blue variegated yarn on sale. The woman with the eye helped me find one of the yarns I went for, Opal. It was in a sale bend just sitting there waiting to be taken home. I forgot one important item, a blocking board. Yes, I decided my thumbs and my husbands thumbs needed a break and went ahead and got the puzzle pieces to make the board. I can't wait to try it out. Oh my gosh. Remember when I said I went with a plan, well I wanted a Jorana Paige bag ever since I saw one. Janice and I stopped there before wen did any real shopping and coveted. We returned to the scene of the crime and each purchased one. I got the Bella, black licorice. It's wonderful.