Sunday, January 25, 2009


January started out quiet. My husband had a cold so we were home bound. I stayed up and knitted. On the 16th, I was off to a quilting retreat with Linda Ballard. I met my friends on the grounds of Bishop Ranch just outside of Healdsburg. It was next to a dairy farm. The views were beautiful, but there were times the smells were not so great. The weather couldn't have been better since we had to move our belongs by wheelbarrow. No, it wasn't that rugged, just that we couldn't park our cars near the buildings. Linda had us making a quilt top that required so many pieces that I became frustrated and make a preemie quilt from the pieces I had completed. Now that I am home, I am able to work uninterrupted and the other pieces will make a nice quilt.
I finished my latest knitting project finally. I started it a month ago and it was a two week project. I will be blocking it and wear it to Stitches West. Pictures will be up soon. Currently, I am knitting a preemie blanket in Jolis memory. I have until her birthday the 17th of February. I wan to give Joanna both the quilt and blanket in Jolie's memory.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


Before Thanksgiving I dreaded the days that were coming. My anxiety was for not. All has gone well so far. My family was able to be here and we shared some good times together. Christmas was special, especially being able to see the grandchildren playing together. I will cherish those memories. My friends were here too. My friend Mary was here to share a special day with me. My father died the week before Christmas and she shared the day with me. We went to see the movie, "Seven Pounds." I won't say too much, but will say it was a downer. The best part of the day was spent just talking. I forgot how much I missed talking with her. She has good insight and knowledge about life and how to live. Her faith in the Lord is also important to me too. Then there was my friend that lives in Fresno. I tried to visit, but unsuccessfully. I hope to make it before the end of January.
I finished my knitting before December, but as I was wrapping gifts, I couldn't find one pair of socks. I started to panic and decided to make another pair. Well, as you probably guess, I did find those socks and will be giving both pairs for a gift.
Just after before Christmas, I went with another friend shopping at a new fabric store in the El Dorado area. Of course, I didn't get away without a little fabric. We also stopped at a knitting store Sierra Knitters. There they had a bracelet knitted from wire. (I did try it and I enjoy making the jewelry. I made my first, but want to make a few more before I give away any of them.) We decided to go see the movie, "The Day the Earth Stood Still". That was a better film.
Movies seem to be the theme for Holidays. Betty and I went to see a movie on Sunday, "Marley and Me". It was a cute movie and I was glad to see it.