Monday, June 22, 2009


Doesn't feel good when you complete a major project? It does for me. That shrug was time consuming and itchy. The fibers of the yarn tickled my noise.
Today I was able to complete a quilt top. I went to a Linda Ballard retreat earlier this year (January) and was so frustrated that I made a preemie quilt with the initial completed squares. I sat down with the rest of the fabric and squares to decide what to do. I added some simple squares and the results are a cute children's quilt.
I also started a new entrelac scarf for a birthday gift. I don't think I would use the yarn again. I used the yarn because my sister is allergic to so many things I didn't want to chance it. The yarn is so nice to work with, but not for the scarf.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Trips, Friends, and UFP

Last week at this time I was traveling home with my friend Lynn from Clovis. We went to visit a dear friend. Her daughter is moving to Kanasa and we wanted to visit before she left. We spent part of Tuesday shopping at Quilter's Paradise there in Clovis. We both got into trouble, she buying patterns and dish towels to make and me buying fabric for a snail trail quilt made with cats. That was an expensive visit. I can't wait to get started on the quilt, but wanted to finish some knitting I've been working on along with a blouse I was making when Lynn came over. Lynn and I spent Wednesday quilting her quilts she brought over and I made a handbag. I can't wait to show it off. I want to finish it off with a toggle for the closure.
Friday I spent completing the blouse. It looks more like a duster. You know the type our mothers wore when they were home cleaning the house. I chose seersucker fabric and I believe that was what caused the duster look.
Sunday was spent trying to figure out a shrug I started in March. I purchased the pattern at Stitches in February. It looked so easy on the mannequin. The pattern was a struggle for me. Then I fell on May 10 and gave me an excuse to stop and let my hand heal. Well, wanting to being other project for traveling, I needed to get it completed and that I did. I am so excited to say that. I went to bed on Sunday night ready to start my sleeves and I finished those today!!! Now I will purchase a closure and block it.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Summer Break

Hurray I made it. I worked 41 days and the only breaks I took were weekends and holidays and I even worked after the fall. Boy, I am looking forward to summer. Hal and I will take a little break together in July. We are hoping to visit my siblings. We haven't bought our flight tickets yet, so it's still a maybe. Next week Lynn and I are going to visit a friend ours in Fresno. It will be a quick trip, so I'll be back in time to sit for my grandson. My little pleasures of vacation. I am hoping to complete two blouses before I leave for Fresno and start working a quilt. I also want to finish this blank id blank shrug.