Monday, September 14, 2009


Last week was busy. I managed to complete a Christmas hat and scarf for grandson. Now I want to make a matching sweater. It will need me to go buy yarn. I guess this will require me getting out of the house and off my bottom.
I also was able to sit for the grand kids again. On Tuesday I was able to sit for the grandsons and on Wednesday and Thursday, the granddaughters. Andrew and William's pictures were quickly taken and are added here.
I have officially applied for Social Security. It was painless with the exception that I am not working and have no money to waste on crafts. I will need to work a little.
Visiting a dear friend in Fresno was part of the weekend. Hal drove down with me on Saturday. I awoke with a headache and to thunder. I checked the Doppler and found we wouldn't have lightening south of Modesto. Well, we found lightening to follow us as south as Merced. I do not like storms, wind or lightening. I would have considered not going if I felt threatened. I had a good visit. I wish there was more that I could do, but pray is the only source I have while not there.
Football season is upon me. I am an avid 9er fan and will tolerate other teams, especially the Packers. I spent yesterday making jewelry and watching the 9er's win their first of many games. (I have high hopes.)

1 comment:

Debbie T said...

Go Niners!!!! Glad you had such a good time with your grandchildren and a good visit with your friend.