Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Some new pictures of what's knew with with me. Today I hope to almost complete the onesies quilt. I just want to do a good job quilting it. Speaking of quilting, I have many quilting friends that live in the Auburn area and some near the fire area. I am concerned for them. I haven't heard anything bad yet, so as they say, no news is good news.
The grandsons were so cute yesterday. Andrew is such a perfectionist. It took him an hour to complete a picture. He got upset and through a tantrum. I had him come and sit with me for a while and he was able to continue his drawing. The other grandson just finished his nap and I was able to give him his lunch. We played together while Andrew drew his panther. William played in a tunnel and we played pick-a-boo for the longest time. Good times.

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