Monday, December 12, 2011

Continuing the Visit

I don't know if it is me or I've been here too long, but the temperature in this house if getting to feel okay. Jon and Ruth started remolding their home in July and tore up their floors to put in radiant heating. They also took out their one and only heater in the house to do this. Jon has not had time to complete the radiant heating and now they are using portable heaters. Of course this is expensive and yesterday Ruth was on the computer looking at her PGE bill and discovered how expensive. She went around turning off the portables. I'm sitting here typing this with a nice robe on, warm laptop on my lap, socks on my feet and slippers, hot tea by my side and freezing hands. When I arrived here they had placed a heater in my room in which I sleep. When Hal came down I didn't need the extra heating, so I took the heater out and really haven't need the heater again. I am using an air bed with a feather bed on top to keep the air under me from coming up and freezing my backside. I also am using my winter quilt I made using denim and flannel, another quilt I brought from home, a quilt Ruth gave me and a throw from Ruth's, that's 4 quilts! I am so warm and snugly I have a hard time getting up out of bed.
I am enjoying myself here. I am looking forward though to get home and get warm. I will miss the Ruth and her little family. Jenna is getting so big. She is definitely growing into a teenager. She and Jon are bumping heads yet she loves him. I can tell by the way she response to him. She wants to care for the baby, yet takes care to fellow Jon's directions on how to handle her. This is just one example. She is also making her own grilled cheese sandwiches and macaroni and cheese. Wow, I am so impressed! Don't grow up so fast Jenna.

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